four methods to start the RHEL Desktop or Server installation process:
1: Boot from a copy of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation CDs or DVD
2: Boot from the first RHEL installation CD or DVD
3: Boot from a special RHEL boot CD or USB key
4: Boot from a kickstart server using a PXE network boot card
The last three options generally assume that you're going to install RHEL over a network.
The Installation Log File
The commands used by Anaconda to install Linux
/root/anaconda-ks.cfg file
This can serve as a template for the kickstart process
The Console Installation Output Screens
Six consoles are available during the installation process, and each tells a different story.
Text installation display; if you're running in graphical mode, it includes the basic commands to start graphics drivers
Accesses a bash shell prompt; available after the first few installation steps
The installation files from the CD or network source will be mounted on the /mnt/source directory. You can also find a number of interesting files in the /tmp directory.
anaconda.log:from third console
ks.cfg:in kickstart case
modprobe.conf:Includes detected hardware that requires a driver module
netinfo:Contains IP address information for configured network cards
syslog:from fouth console
Xconfig.test:a temporary X Window configuration file
Lists the log of installation messages; if network problems occur, you may see related messages here
Displays all kernel messages, including detected hardware and drivers
Installation displays partition formatting; nothing is shown here until Anaconda formats the actual partitions(output of the mke2fs command)
Graphical installation display; active only if you're running the installation program in graphical mode (was formerly available from CTRL-ALT-F7). Naturally, if you're installing in text mode, nothing is shown in this console